Can Provide Relief from Tension or Migraine Headaches!
Relief from tension and migraine headaches has become easier
with the FDA-approved NTI™ oral appliance. We are very pleased
to be able to offer you a drug-free alternative that relaxes
your scalp muscles and actually helps to prevent the onset of
headaches. Statistics from clinical trials proved a 77%
reduction of occurrences in 82% of those who suffer this pain.
It is easy to use, painless, and inexpensive, and it brings
relief without the use of drugs. Come in to our office and let
us show you what this device can do for you.
East County Dental Studio
Kurt Christensen, DDS - Steven Krause, DDS, MAGD
337 West Madison Avenue
El Cajon, CA 92020
Phone: (619) 442-8841
Website: www.SanDiegoSmileMakeover.com
Cleaning by a Hygienist is Important
As we want you to have good dental health and to avoid problems,
we let our patients know how important it is to have their teeth
cleaned by a professional hygienist. The formation of plaque and
tartar on your teeth is the cause of tooth and root decay and
gum inflammation that can result in pain and the loss of
permanent teeth. With a regular professional cleaning, these
problems can be eliminated in the early stages, preventing any
tooth loss or gum disease and the pain associated with these
conditions. There are also more serious problems that can result
from the bacteria that infect gums and stick to teeth. Medical
research has identified a link between oral infections and
life-threatening conditions like stroke, diabetes, and heart
disease. Please set up a time that is convenient for you to have
your teeth cleaned.
East County Dental Studio
Kurt Christensen, DDS - Steven Krause, DDS, MAGD
337 West Madison Avenue
El Cajon, CA 92020
Phone: (619) 442-8841
Website: www.SanDiegoSmileMakeover.com
If your teeth hurt when you drink hot or cold beverages, you may have sensitive teeth. This can be the result of tooth decay, fractured teeth, worn fillings, gum disease, worn tooth enamel or an exposed tooth root due to gum recession. Treatment will depend on the source of sensitivity. If you’re concerned about the sensitivity of your teeth see your dentist for diagnosis and treatment options.
Above article from: MouthHealthy.org
East County Dental Studio
Kurt Christensen, DDS - Steven Krause, DDS, MAGD
337 West Madison Avenue
El Cajon, CA 92020
Phone: (619) 442-8841
Website: www.SanDiegoSmileMakeover.com
Do You Suffer from
Sleep Apnea?
If you have been diagnosed with sleep apnea, you probably have
been fitted for the CPAP device to allow continual breathing
during sleep. This solution does allow air into the lungs, but
is an uncomfortable mask for the patient to wear over the nose
and mouth. As a result, many patients will stop wearing the
mask, and they are back to the original problem.
If you are frustrated with the CPAP device, come into our office
and we can fit you with an oral appliance that easily fits over
your upper and lower teeth to keep your airway open and air
flowing into the lungs while you sleep. You will be happy when
you see how easy it is to use, clean, and travel with, and very
pleased with how well it works.
East County Dental Studio
Kurt Christensen, DDS - Steven Krause, DDS, MAGD
337 West Madison Avenue
El Cajon, CA 92020
Phone: (619) 442-8841
Website: www.SanDiegoSmileMakeover.com
Types of mouth sores include canker sores, cold sores, leukoplakia and candidiasis. They vary in their severity and causes. Mouth sores could be the symptom of a disease or disorder; infection from bacteria, viruses or fungus or result from irritation caused by braces, dentures or the sharp edge of a broken tooth or filling. Your dentist should examine any mouth sore that lasts a week or longer.
Above article from: MouthHealthy.org
East County Dental Studio
Kurt Christensen, DDS - Steven Krause, DDS, MAGD
337 West Madison Avenue
El Cajon, CA 92020
Phone: (619) 442-8841
Website: www.SanDiegoSmileMakeover.com